MOUNTAIN BIKING: Brooks Woodland: Roaring Brook Tract

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Brooks has more than 13 miles of trail accessible from different street <br />
locations throughout the town of Petersham. There are three separate <br />
areas: Roaring Brook, Connor's Pond, and Swift River. The trails are largely <br />
covered by a forest of towering red oaks, hemlocks, and white pine. Old <br />
stone walls, reminders of former agricultural use, cross the forest floor, <br />
passing through patches of maidenhair ferns, winterberry, and <br />
partridgeberry. Ferns are everywhere. More info here : <br />


From Rte. 2, take Exit 17 and go south on Rte. 32. In Petersham center, take <br /><br />East St. 0.8 miles to entrance on left.